Aviation Fuel Cleanliness
All fuels employed in the Aviation industry require the highest possible cleanliness value that allows the cleanest burn resulting in the least amount of solids emissions possible. Clean fuel also reduces premature wear of fuel system components.
Methane’s Global Warming Potential: 86 Times Higher than Carbon Dioxide
“Methane is an extremely potent greenhouse gas and is about 80 times more potent than carbon dioxide if it escapes into the atmosphere before being burned. Studies show that natural gas power plants could be worse for climate change than coal plants if their leakage rate rises above 4%.”
Sample Station for Magnetic Separation Testing
Black Powder Solutions Inc. (BPS) designs and manufactures its patented Magnetic Separators to remove Black Powder™ contamination from liquids and gas, refined products, process fluids, water and other applications in…
The Composition and Formation of Black Powder
September 2019 Black Powder Contamination In the last paper, titled “Introduction to Black Powder Contamination”, the formation of Black PowderTM (Black Powder) contamination was discussed along with a general discussion…
How A Magnetic Separator Can Reduce Your Single-Use Filter Costs
May 2020 This paper reviews many of the challenges that operators are faced with when using conventional surface and depth media filtration systems to remove particulate. It then introduces a…
7 Ways Magnetic Separation is Slashing Filtration Costs and Improving Reliability
Slash Filtration Costs and Improve Reliability December 2019 What is Black Powder contamination? Black Powder particulate contamination in gas and liquid hydrocarbons has significant financial and operating impacts on pipelines,…
An Introduction to Black Powder Contamination
August 2019 “Black PowderTM” (Black Powder) contamination is a widely used term for a highly pervasive particulate contamination found in all hydrocarbon facilities and pipelines, water systems, petrochemical powders, and…